
We kindly ask for your understanding that we will be able to report about public events only,respectively events with an explicit permission of the organisers.

21st November 2022

A warm thank you to Prof. Cornel Stan for the intressting lecture and the different views regarding the electric mobilisation in the world.

19th November 2022

We thank the “master of monarchs” Peter Schellhammer for the two interesting and instructive days with us at Zündmagnet Wurzen

5th November 2022

Electric vehicle, combustion engine or ???

We are proud to announce that Prof. Cornel Stan (westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau) will give us a lecture about “Future Mobility”. He has already published some very interesting books, telling the readers his ideas about future vehicles and future traffic.
He is a qualified expert in talking about “new Mobility”.

If you are interested, please book a ticket via our mail address, and also please transfer 70,00€ in advance for the speech, coffee and cake and a snack with non-alcoholic drinks.

Freunde des Zündmagneten e.V.
Deutsche Bank Wurzen
IBAN: DE02 8607 0024 0238 9252 00

Gates will open at 3:30pm.

22nd October 2022

Start 4pm

Title: Mercedes 600 Type W100

The first ideas to design „the best car in the world „were born at Mercedes in the middle of the 50ies of the last century. Head of the Design Department Fritz Nallinger showed with his project W100, what was technically possible at this time – air suspension, servo brake, three speed automatic transmission, a powerful V8 engine with a displacement of 6,3ccm, later 6,9ccm, 250 horsepower and servo drives for most accessories like seats, windows, sunroof and many others.

Between 2000 and 3000 cars of all types were manufactured between 1963 and 1981. The W100 became the car for statesmen, artists and wealthy entrepreneurs.

Peter Schellhammer was the „Mercedes W100 task force” during these years.

If a technical problem was encountered at any VIP-fleet 600 car anywhere in the world, he jumped into a plane within the next day and solved it.

Already a long time retired, he will speak about technical features of the W100 and tell us about his experience with the statesmen of the world during the 60ies, 70ies and 80ies of last century.

  • The afternoon will start at 4pm with coffee and cake and will finish with a snack in the evening.
  • As the number of guests is limited, please book your ticket via our mail as soon as possible

We will charge an amount 55,00€ for the speech, coffee & cake, and a snack with non-alcoholic drinks after the lecture.

Please transfer the amount in advance:

Freunde des Zündmagneten e.V.
Deutsche Bank Wurzen
IBAN: DE02 8607 0024 0238 9252 00

Gates will open 3:30pm.

We look forward to welcoming you at the Zündmagneten!

06.07.2022 – VDMA Summer Party

6th July 2022

The Machine Manufacturer Association from Germany (VDMA) celebrated their Summer Party 2022 in the Zündmagneten.
It has been a wonderful afternoon / evening full of speeches, workshops and a sociable “get together” in the evening.

30.04.2022 – „A Night in May“


We are very glad to announce the new date for our diner show what was originally planned for Dec. the 17th 2021 We invite you to „A Night in May“ Please see the attached invitation Bookings via Berghütte Großsteinberg

phone : 0163 694 3220

20.1. – 23.01.2022

Schraubertreffen des Horch Club e.V.


Berghütte Großsteinberg ( ) invites you to:

“Zwischen Musik und Gänsebraten” – Friday Evening at Zündmagnet Wurzen

Tickets are available via the Website of Berghütte Großsteinberg