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25.03.2023 – Austrian Evening (Pinzgau regional)

you will get:

  • an unique Austrian art experience
  • Kathi – excellence at the Austrian accordion
  • an Austrian dance group (Schuplattler dance)
  • Austrian food and an original Pinzgau dessert chef

and the excellent diner supplied by Berghütte Großsteinberg between Saxonian cars of 1904 to 1942.

Please book your tickets via Berghütte Großsteinberg
Phone: 0163 – 694 3220
Phone Berghütte: 034293 – 29204
Email Berghütte:
or via we will forward your request to the Berghütte restaurant

Ticket price 150,- EUR plus alcoholic beverages.
We support a society to keep the tradion of the Austrian Pinzgau region.

Report 15.04.2023

We had a very enjoyable meeting and pass our great Thanks to our Austrian guests.